Hello everyone. Once again, we have some liturgical resources for you all today. But first, we want to give a shout out to Fr. Kirk because today is his birthday. Happy Birthday Fr. Kirk! We hope it’s one for the ages! Feel free to send him a message or email us and we’ll pass it on to him. Cheers! We hope that you will join us for lay Sunday Morning Prayer this Sunday @ 9 a.m. on Zoom. We will be using the Sunday Morning Prayer leaflet from St. Peter’s, which you will find below. We’re looking for readers, so please let us know if you can participate. Thanks and peace!
Liturgy Links: Sunday Morning Prayer Zoom link: https://teachforamerica.zoom.us/j/3992849612 St. Peter’s Sunday Morning Prayer leaflet here. St. Peter’s homilies and meditations here. St. Andrews Cathedral Sunday morning service here. St. Philip’s Jackson Facebook live services here. National Cathedral Sunday service here.
Prayers of the People:
Those who are sick and others for whom prayers are requested: Joy, Penny, Shirley, Nancy, James L., Eva, Robyn, Paul, Emma, Terry, Scotty, Dan, Ed, William, Bill, Sean, Pat For those who have died: Susan S. For the Village of San Joaquin, Honduras
If anyone would like to submit a prayer request, we have a prayer request form here. We ask that you please include the first letter of their last name as well.