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Nativity Newsletter

Writer's picture: NativityWV EpiscopalNativityWV Episcopal

Dear Nativity Family,

The days of Lent are winding down and Holy Week is fast approaching. We begin Holy Week this Sunday with Palm Sunday and the reading of the Passion Narrative from Luke. The service begins with loud Hosannas and moves quickly to the Crucifixion of Jesus. Each day of Holy Week be sure to visit our Facebook page as we journey to the Cross. If you are NOT on Facebook, send me an email and you will be included in another way. I invite you to live as deeply as possible into Holy Week.

We will have Stations of the Cross at 5:30 p.m. on Good Friday followed by the Good Friday Liturgy at 6:30 p.m. The offering from Good Friday is designated for the Anglican Communion Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East. If anyone would like to participate in the Reconciliation of a Penitent on Good Friday I will be at Nativity beginning at 2:00 p.m. Our Easter service will be on Sunday, April 17, beginning at 10:30 a.m. We will have a flowering cross and everyone may participate in decorating it. Please contact Alexe ASAP if you are interested in providing an Easter Lily.

At our recent Mission Committee Meeting, we discussed the tree near the Blessing Box. If you have an opinion regarding this tree, please convey it to one of our Mission Committee members. The present Bradford pear tree is presenting a hazard and we must be diligent in circumventing an injury. It has become an eyesore as well and it is difficult to keep the area free of debris.

Also at this meeting, we discussed some recent trends with the Blessing Box itself. We have had some excessive removals from the Box of late and are looking at new ways to invite the community at large to participate in providing for others. We are in need of someone's oversight for the rest of April. It may be necessary to make some changes into how we stock our Blessing Box–it is indeed a Blessing and an icon of Nativity in Water Valley.

Lastly, as we leave the church on Palm Sunday, we are asked to do so in silence. Weather permitting however, there will be a Coffee Hour following the service. You should have already received an email from Alexe about our time of Fellowship. As you leave the Coffee Hour, do spend a little time reflecting on Holy Week. Holy silence….


Ann +


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