As I reported last week, this past weekend Les and Jan Nichols and I represented Nativity at the 198th Annual Council of the Diocese of Mississippi. That’s a long time for the Episcopal Church to be operating in Mississippi and a lot has taken place during those 198 years. The theme of this year’s Council was “Telling Our Story”, and Bishop Wells used part of the time of her opening address on Friday night to give examples of the resilient nature of the church in this diocese. These are our stories, she said, and we forget them at our peril. She highlighted Trinity Church in Yazoo City that had endured floods, fires and tornadoes and had been rebuilt four times. She showed videos from the tornado destruction at Chapel of the Cross, Rolling Fork, and the groundbreaking ceremony for the new church. She had considerable footage of the Mississippi Gulf Coast churches following Hurricanes Camille and Katrina.
Because she hasn’t yet visited Nativity ( she’s coming February 22-23!), she doesn’t yet know the resilience that is part of our story, as well. Fire, tornado and a decision to close the church “for good” in 2003. Then came a remarkable rebirth in 2017 that was able to manage the Covid challenge sufficient to become as healthy as any church in the diocese. It’s enough to make you believe in resurrection, and
it is a remarkable story that we need to keep telling over and over again!
Telling our individual and collective stories ( to ourselves, mostly, and to others if they will listen!) helps us to realize that we have within us the capacities to deal with whatever life sends us. We’ve been there more than once, as a people and as individuals, and we are made of more resilience and tougher fiber than we are sometimes able to notice.
We Christians also have a story that we need to tell again and again and again. In this sacred story there were natural disasters and pain and heartbreak and tragedy arising from human failings, but God was forever present, redeeming and giving hope. We can never tell that story too many times.
I am grateful for Bishop Wells’ invitation to tell our stories. I hope you will have some time to tell her a bit of yours when she joins us in a couple of weeks.
Other Matters of Importance-
Annual Congregation Meeting : Sunday, February 16 following 10:30 worship-
As per the canons of our church we will be gathering for our annual meeting to elect new Mission Committee members ( nominees thus far: Barbara Phillips, Laura Pitre, and April Hammonds), hear a report on our finances including a 2025 budget which needs to be accepted by the congregation, and discuss a variety of other matters. Please plan to join us!
Bishop Wells Visitation- February 22-23:
Saturday (22nd)@6:00 pm- Bishop meets with old and new members of the
Mission Committee for dinner, conversation and planning in Salt &Light;
Sunday (23rd) @9:15am- Bishop meets with congregation for open-ended
@10:30am-Bishop is celebrant, preacher and will administer
the apostolic rite of confirmation;
@ 11:30am- luncheon in honor of Bishop Wells and the newly
Church Directory is Now Available!-
After more than a year in production our Nativity Church directory is available online. Many thanks to Jenni Campbell for her many long hours of work to make this a reality. An instruction sheet that tells how to access the directory will be available in the rear of the church and in the Salt and Light building, beginning this Sunday. Robbie Fisher will be available to take additional photos of individuals and families to include in the directory on Sunday, February 16 and 23 in the Salt and Light building.
Immigrant Ministry-An Emerging Network:
An emerging network of persons interested in being a constructive force in the confusion and fear of this moment is forming in North Mississippi. If you are interested in knowing about what is going on and how you might be helpful, please consider joining the Vicar and others for a meeting at First United Methodist Church in Oxford ( 102 Dylan Avenue- near mTrade Park) from 1:30-5:00pm on Saturday, February 15. Representatives from El Pueblo, a United Methodist Church initiative that has addressed the needs of the immigrant community in South and Central Mississippi for 20 years, will be meeting with interested persons from our region.
Mardi Gras Parade- March 4 @ 5:00pm!
Join with your Nativity family and other members of our community in this fun-filled event that will parade down Main Street and gather at This Is Noteworthy for great food and fellowship. Bicycles, wagons, and all ages are welcome to join in our craziness as we prepare for the penitential season of Lent.
See you Sunday!
Blessings and Peace,