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Writer's picture: NativityWV EpiscopalNativityWV Episcopal


An old friend and colleague, the Reverend Andy Andrews, will be joining us in two weeks ( September 22) for a conversation about racial reconciliation and congregational health and growth. As I pointed out on Sunday, I have known  Andy from his early childhood years in Greenville. What I didn’t mention was that our paths also crossed while he was a student at Ole Miss and I was rector at St. Peter’s. 

Andy has has a wealth of ministry experience, having served on the staff of St. Andrew’s Cathedral, as rector of St. Timothy’s, Southaven, and Dean of St. Mary’s Cathedral in Memphis. He was serving as rector of Holy Trinity, Vicksburg, when he was appointed by Bishop Seage in 2022 as the Diocesan Missioner for Beloved Community and Congregational Vitality, as well as Vicar of St. Christopher’s Church of the Ascension in Jackson. It is in this capacity that Andy has traveled the diocese using a variety of models to promote racial healing and to creatively engage with churches around congregational health and vitality.

A few months back Andy asked me if he could come to Nativity to 1) Learn what are the good things that are going on at Nativity around matters of racial healing and congregational development; 2) Share some ideas from other congregations on these matters; 3)Offer his unique perspective on things that we could focus on here in Water Valley.  I readily agreed for us to host Andy for three distinct sessions on Sunday, the 22nd.

Therefore, we will not meet Bible Study on that Sunday so that all interested persons( not just members of the Bible Study)  could join with Andy and me at 9:30 to talk about the good things that are happening at Nativity and learn from his perspective in an intentional, face to face session in the Salt and Light Building. Secondly, he will preach at our 10:30 am service, weaving the gospel message around the work he believes we are all called to participate in. At our Coffee Hour following worship, he will be available for follow-up informal conversations with all interested persons. 

Andy’s genuine warmth, deep compassion and wisdom will make this a very special day for Nativity. 

Mark it on your calendars now!

Other Matters of Importance:

Third Quarter Financial Statements Coming Soon-

Over the summer a few  people have inquired as to the status of their financial pledge to Nativity. Thus, upon the request of Nativity’s Mission Committee, our Treasurer, Robbie Fisher, will be sending out financial pledge statements through the third quarter (September 2024) to all Nativity members who have made a pledge.  The sending of periodic  pledge statements is the norm in most congregations and is a helpful reminder to us all to keep up to date on our pledge payments.

October 5-Blessing of Animals at Pocket Park on Main Street: 10:00am

Our annual Blessing of the Animals, in conjunction with the Feast of St. Francis, will take place on October 5. More details to follow.

See you Sunday!

Blessings and Peace,



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© 2020 The Episcopal Church of the Nativity, 609 N Main St, Water Valley, MS 38965 

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