Hello everyone. We have another week on our hands filled with hopes and dreams that one day we can gather together in our tiny white church again. Until then, we will do what we can. Whether it’s saying hello, a prayer, a joke or lending a helping hand in a time of need, we can still do a great deal of good to help each other get through this time of anguish and uncertainty. We hope you all realize we still have the power to bring healing ALWAYS!
Ok, we hope you enjoyed that pep talk. Now here’s a situation that some of you may be able to help with. The hand wreath art installation in the front yard of Nativity can only stay up for 30 days without a permit. We are still in the process of getting a permit, but in order to comply with the rules, the sign needs to come down by Wednesday. This may sound a bit silly, but we hope to take it down for a couple of days, then put it back up on Friday. Technically, this is a work-around in order to keep the art on display for a longer period of time. If anyone wants to make plans to help take the art down on Wednesday and put it back up on Friday, we’d sure love the help. It shouldn’t take too long. We’re meeting@ 9 a.m.on both days to get this done. Don’t worry if you can’t make it. Just do your best to keep the spirit of faith, hope and love alive and well! Jesus’ peace be with you all...