From now on, you will be catching people…
From Luke 5
Dear Nativity Family,
It is with great delight that I announce to you that we will resume in person worship this Sunday, February 6 at 10:30 a.m. Thank you to those of you who have faithfully gathered for Zoom worship the past few weeks. And thanks to the Mission Committee and their vote of confidence in supporting this effort.
We do have a few guidelines as we resume our in person worship. First, please wear a mask. Second, communion will be in one kind only for a few weeks as we continue to monitor Covid cases in Mississippi. Third, should you test positive after worshiping with us, please let James McCormick, Senior Warden or the Vicar know. We show our love for our neighbors by keeping everyone safe. Thank you for your attention to these details. If you cannot join in the in person worship let me know. It is possible to do Zoom Evening Prayer on most Sundays.
February 13 will be our Annual Parish Meeting. At this meeting we will hear a few reports, elect one new member to the Mission Committee for a 3 year term and also a delegate for the Annual Diocesan Council of 2023. An African proverb says that it takes a whole village to raise a child; by extension, it takes a village to keep a church going! Please let James know if you will allow your name to be placed in nomination to serve at Nativity. The meeting will take place during our regular Eucharistic service.
Lent begins in March. We will have an Ash Wednesday service on March 3 in the evening; time TBA. Planning for Lent at Nativity is still in its infancy. If you have suggestions or requests, please email them to attention Vicar.
A special thank you to Beth Mayeaux and Robbie Fisher for attending the Hybrid Annual Diocesan Council. It went very well. Here is a link to the latest Mississippi Episcopalian, our Diocesan newspaper. This January issue contains pre Council information, but it may be of interest to many of you. MSEpiscopalian_January_2022.pdf
Once again, I look forward to seeing you on Sunday. As we continue on this journey together, let us give thanks for our many blessings.
Ann +, Vicar