Dear Nativity Family,
By now, most of you, if not all of you, have heard that a change is in the wind for Nativity. I will be stepping down as your Vicar on June 5, 2022 and the Rt. Rev. Duncan M. Gray, III will be coming to serve you later in June. Official details are still to be worked out and you will be hearing more in coming days. I am grateful for the work of our Mission Committee in this period of transition.
This coming Sunday is often known as Good Shepherd Sunday. It is a time for us to reflect on God’s care for us, but also it is time to listen more deeply to God’s voice. Over the past few weeks, with the aid of Bishop Seage, there has been a great deal of listening and speaking and the Holy Spirit has been very present.
There are a few exciting things that will take place in the next few weeks. May 15 will be our Coffee and Fellowship time following worship. On May 22, weather permitting, we will gather at Jenni Campbell’s Taylor Flower Patch to celebrate an outdoors Eucharist and also to celebrate Rogation Sunday. We are finalizing details, so please be patient. More complete details will follow soon! And on May 29, we will remember Christ’s ascension together.
June 5 is the Day of Pentecost! Please wear something red. If you speak/read in a foreign language, please let me know! It will be a day of celebration and thanksgiving.
I am grateful for the opportunity to serve you for the past year. I am not completely leaving as I will be filling in for Bishop Gray in times when he has other commitments. The possibilities for the future look bright and exciting. Thank you for all you have been to me. I look forward to where God leads all of us next!
See you on Sunday as we honor and celebrate the Mothers in and among us!
Ann +