Hello, everyone. We wanted to let you all know that 2021 pledge cards for the Church of the Nativity are being sent out next week. We are using a mailing list from two years ago soplease let us know if we need to make any updates or if you would like to be added to the mailing list. We know that there are plenty of things going on right now, but we ask that you prayerfully consider Nativity in your budgeting for next year. Your support is the only source of income for the church and will go towards paying for outreach, monthly bills, supply priests/vicar and regular operating expenses. Whatever you choose to give will be greatly appreciated.
And if you would like a more convenient option for giving every month, please visit our Online Giving page on our website (https://www.nativitywv.org/donations). We thank you for considering how to support us in the coming year. God be with you all. Christ’s peace...