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Writer's picture: NativityWV EpiscopalNativityWV Episcopal


Politics found its way into my soul at a very early age. What a particular political figure was doing or saying was often the subject of conversation at our family meals. I’m told my grandfather used to have regular “coffee” sessions with Episcopal legislators when the legislature was in session. I have previously spoken of my great grandfather’s newspaper editorials that often served as a mouthpiece for a number of Mississippi politicians. While I was at Ole Miss I was deeply involved with campus politics with many political friends and foes who would later make a career with such activity- Dick Molpus, Roger Wicker, Bill Cole and Haley Barbour, to name a few.

Thus, it was not an accident that, when I realized that I needed a break from my academic studies at Virginia Theological Seminary, I enrolled in an intern program that placed me as a legislative aide in the office of Senator Mark Hatfield(R-Oregon). It was a fascinating year and a half (think Watergate), and when I was offered a full-time position at the end of the intern year, I seriously considered a change in career. However, my decision to return to seminary was based, primarily, on the distance I felt from the good we were trying to do. We passed important legislation, I wrote speeches and these were good things. But, the impact of the legislation and the speeches always seemed so very far away.

I yearned for a closer connection and hoped the ordained ministry would provide what I was looking for. By God’s grace, parish ministry fed that deep hunger. (Being bishop, not so much. But that’s another story!)

We are in the midst of a very competitive governor’s race in this State. I certainly have a preference between the two candidates and would be glad to talk in other contexts about who I think would be best for Mississippi’s future. But my point in this reflection is to note the distance between the governor’s office and the world in which I “live and move and have my being”. One of the reasons voter turnout is so low is that lots of people are acutely aware of that distance and wonder what, if any, difference these or other candidates will make in their lives.

The beautiful and grace filled gift of this little community of Water Valley is the intimacy of connection. Whether you love (or despise) someone here you can’t avoid them. Great pieces of legislation will and should be passed, but the life of a single Water Valley child can be changed by someone willing to help her do her homework or to help him read in an after school program. A Foster Parent at the end of his rope, or a harassed store clerk struggling to stay sober can find a community that says, “We understand. We’ve been there.”

These are some of the ways this small church in this small community is making a profound difference- up close and personal. Miracles are possible when we are not too far away. Let’s stay close.

Other Matters of Importance

Mission Committee- Tuesday, September 5- 6:00pm

This month’s meeting has been moved up a week to accommodate the Vicar’s schedule. Any member of the congregation of Nativity is welcome to attend.

Adjustments in Worship Leadership

Though the expectation is for the Rev. Ann Whitaker to return with us in October, certain adjustments continue to be made in her absence. The Rev. Christopher Powell will return next Sunday, September 10, to preach and celebrate. On September 17, Morning Prayer will be lead by a Lay Eucharistic Minister(LEM).

After School Tutoring Program

Progress is being made on the after school tutoring program. We have 12 people who have said that they are willing to be tutors. Thank you to all! Some key announcements should be forthcoming soon. Stay tuned!

New Printer Donated to the Salt and Light Building

Thank you, James and Juawice McCormick, for the donation of a printer. It has made a big difference!

Altar Flower Donations Needed for September and October

The sign up sheet is in the rear of the church for those interested in honoring or memorializing someone through the donation of altar flowers.

Art Crawl-October 14 @Salt and Light Building

Nativity is hosting a portion of the community Art Crawl on the evening of October 14. We need volunteers to bring refreshments and others to serve as hosts for 30 minute segments. Local art will be on display and a silent auction will be a part of evening’s activities. Sign up sheet is on the table in the back of the church.

See you Sunday!

Blessings and Peace,



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© 2020 The Episcopal Church of the Nativity, 609 N Main St, Water Valley, MS 38965 

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