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Writer's pictureNativityWV Episcopal



I am writing these words of reflection on All Saints Day, a major feast day of the church dating from 609 AD. It is always a time for me to pause and remember the saints who have touched me, either directly, or through their witness in days long ago that have been a personal inspiration to me. St. Cuthbert and St. Francis come to mind. We will celebrate this feast day this Sunday, All Saints Sunday, November 5.

Saints are not perfect people, but rather they are the people through whom we know the love and power of God. A child stands next to a stained glass window of St. Peter. She responds to a the question about who is a saint by saying, “A saint is a person that light shines through.” It is through these sorts of people that the light of Christ has come into our lives.

One such person for me was my grandfather and namesake, Duncan Gray (the original). He was such an intimidating presence to all of us grandchildren that we didn’t call him Grandfather, or Poppi, or PiPaw. No, we called him Bishop. He was gruff, mostly bluster, but he loved us dearly. And he was very wise.

In 1963, when things were profoundly challenging for this state and most of the state’s leadership had responded very poorly to the challenges, he addressed the gathering of the Episcopal Church at its annual Diocesan Council this way:

“These times were made for us, and we were made for these times.” It was a message of hope that marked a major turning point in the Episcopal Church in Mississippi’s response to those challenges that the political leadership had defaulted on. I have thought of those words over and over again. They have given me hope in times that seemed so hopeless.

He also had a wonderful sense of humor. “No one is totally useless”, he once mused about the clergy he was supervising. “He can always serve as a horrible example.” Again, words that I often recall in challenging moments.

As a grandfather, he helped shape the way I view the world, and as bishop (“the REAL Bishop Gray as the old timers used to call him in my presence!) he gave me a model of how to live into and out of that calling. The light shone through him in so many wonderful ways.

All of us have those who have been light bearers for us. We would not be who we are, or where we are, without them. I invite you to reflect on those who have touched you by their love and witness. Bring them with you on Sunday as we “sing a song of the Saints of God…” on whose shoulders of faith we now stand.

Other Matters of Importance

Stewardship Campaign Begins at Nativity

You will be receiving soon, if you have not yet, a Stewardship Campaign mailing with a note from me and a financial pledge card. My hope is that you will spend some time in prayer and reflecting with your family about the role you now play in the stewardship of the faith and resources that have been given to us and entrusted to us in our generation. We will be talking about stewardship over the next three weeks and would like to have your pledge card returned by November 26 - Christ the King Sunday.

Nominees for the XI Bishop of Mississippi

This morning the Diocesan Search Committee for the new Bishop of Mississippi released their slate of nominees. The nominees are the following:

The Rev. Canon Jason Alexander- Canon to the Ordinary, Diocese of Arkansas

The Very Rev. Jennifer Andrews-Weckerly- Rector, Hickory Neck Episcopal

Church, Toana, Virginia

The Very Rev. Rob Courtney-Rector, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church and School; New

Orleans, Louisiana

The Very Rev. Walton Jones-Rector, Church of the Resurrection; Starkville,


The Rev. Dr. Dorothy Sanders Wells- Rector, St. George’s Episcopal Church;

Memphis, Tennessee

Photos and biographies of the nominees can be found at The new bishop will be elected at our annual Diocesan Council February 2-4, 2024, at St. Andrew’s Episcopal School in Madison. Our Nativity delegates to Diocesan Council are Les and Jan Nichols.

Tutoring Program Placed on Hold

Due to some unforeseen developments at Davidson Elementary School, Nativity’s tutoring initiative for next semester has been put on hold. The initiative is not over, but we will need to pause for a while to let things settle down at the school. Stay tuned.

Margaret-Love Denman to Read at TIN - November 10

One of Nativity’s own, Margaret- Love Denman, will be reading some of her original pieces at This Is Noteworthy (TIN) on Friday, November 10 at 6:30pm. This is part of the “Woven” series coordinated by another “Nativityite”, Dawn Denham.

Daylight Savings Time Ends This Sunday!

Get an extra hour of sleep Saturday night and come to church well rested and refreshed!

See you Sunday,

Blessings and Peace,



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