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Writer's picture: NativityWV EpiscopalNativityWV Episcopal

This Sunday we celebrate the Gospel of Matthew’s story of the coming of the Wise Men and the gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh that they bring to the infant Jesus. Though often merged with Luke’s narrative of shepherds making a similar journey, these two stories are distinct and offer unique perspectives on what is going on. The shepherds were relatively close by in the neighboring fields. The proclamation by the angels seems to assume that the shepherds would understand the term, “Messiah”, and thus, were Jews. 

On the other hand, the Magi, or Wise Men from the east, were mysterious figures, foreigners,  and not a part of the religious tradition of Mary, Joseph and Jesus. Their reference point was not centuries’ long wait for a Messiah, but rather a strange astronomical occurrence that piqued their curiosity. They were something akin to representatives of foreign governments coming to pay their respects to the inauguration and installation of a new government. But Herod was not ready to cede his power and the result was his massacre of hundreds of newly born boys. 

This journey of the Wise Men is a reminder that God forever pushes the religious boundaries that we have imposed to restrict and domesticate divine activity. God is always breaking the religious molds that we have constructed for our personal religious and institutional safety and comfort. And, if we are completely honest with our selves, our reactions to this ever expanding and encompassing activity of God is more akin to Herod’s than we dare to admit.

Other Matters of Importance

Mardi Gras Parade- February 13 @ 5:00pm

On Tuesday night the Water Valley Chief of Police and the City Council approved Nativity’s request for a Mardi Gras parade (with police escort!) on Shrove Tuesday (aka Fat Tuesday/ Mardi Gras). I briefly explained to the Council how Mardi Gras grew out of the Church’s teaching about the last big party before Lent, and their response was very encouraging. 

I think this can be a lot of fun for us and the entire Water Valley community. It will be an inter generational event-children riding decorated bikes or pulling decorated wagons and adults allowing themselves to be silly( I, for one will be wearing a costume!). They’ll be some “throws” (beads, etc.) provided, but if you have some beads from a long ago trip to New Orleans packed away in storage, now is the time to share! We’ll carry an “Alleluia” banner that we’ll bury after the parade on the  Church grounds as we prepare to move into the penitential season of Lent.

We’ll gather at the church and parade down Main Street concluding at the TIN building for good food and drink. A cooking competition of some sort (gumbo, red beans and rice?) is tentatively being planned at TIN. 

I think this can be the start of another wonderful Nativity and Water Valley tradition. Join with me in thinking about how we can make it fun and educational for all!

Nativity’s Annual Congregational Meeting-Sunday, February 11

We will hold our Annual Meeting immediately following worship on February 11. We will be electing two new Mission Committee members who will be replacing James McCormick and Alexe van Beuren who are rotating off the Mission Committee after years of faithful service. We will adopting a budget for the Church for 2024, hearing reports about various projects undertaken as well as discussing the ongoing life of this very special faith community. Make plans to be with us!

Mission Committee Meeting ( rescheduled) January 16 @6:00pm

A reminder to the Mission Committee: Due to some personal commitments of the Vicar, our regular Mission Committee has been pushed back a week to January 16.

Vicar’s Weekday Schedule

Over the past year I have tried to be faithful to being in Water Valley on Wednesdays. I am going to try to be a bit more flexible going forward depending on meetings or events that are scheduled on non-Wednesdays. For example, when the Mission Committee meets on Tuesday, I will be in town on Tuesday of that week. We’ll see how that works for a while.

Bible Study Resumes-This Sunday at 9:30 in Salt and Light Building

Our study of the Gospel of John resumes this Sunday. Each Sunday’s lesson is self-contained, so come join us when you can. Even if you can’t be a regular at the class, I think you can very much enjoy those times when you can!

See you Sunday!

Blessings and Peace,



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© 2020 The Episcopal Church of the Nativity, 609 N Main St, Water Valley, MS 38965 

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