At the Mission Committee meeting this past Tuesday a decision was made by your lay and clergy leadership to take two new initiatives that I believe could be transformative for both Nativity and the wider Water Valley community.
First, a donation of $500 was made to the Compassion Ministries work with food assistance in this community. We trust that this will be the beginning of a regular commitment to this special ministry. We will also be looking to provide labor assistance to the food sorting and packing process that is an ongoing part of this ministry. I am very interested in getting to know how all of this works and how we, as a congregation, can be helpful.
Secondly, the Mission Committee approved a $3000 grant to the congregation of Spring Hill Missionary Baptist Church to assist in the rebuilding of their church after their roof collapsed last summer. This overture to the Spring Hill congregation was generated from within Nativity and was not a result of any solicitation. I have met once with their pastor, the Rev. Sammy Townes, to describe our interest. He was surprised, and deeply grateful for the overture. We will be meeting again to talk about how we might be helpful going forward.
Next, I am planning to write a grant proposal to the Trustees of the Diocese for additional financial support. I have briefed Bishop Seage on the details of the project, and how an afternoon tutoring program at Spring Hill had to be discontinued because of the structural collapse, and he is optimistic that the trustees would receive favorably such a proposal.
Like the overture to Compassion Ministries, I believe that this initiative with the Spring Hill congregation could be the beginning of something very special.
Stay tuned, and watch this space!
Other Matters of Importance
Mission Committee Elects Officers
At the aforementioned Mission Committee meeting, the following officers were elected for a one year term:
Joe York- Senior Warden
Les Nichols-Junior Warden
Mary Beth Pulsifer-Secretary
Eddie Wood- Chair, Finance Committee
In addition, Robbie Fisher has agreed to continue to serve as Treasurer for another year.
We owe each of these our sincere thanks for offering their unique gifts and being willing to serve Nativity ( and the wider community) in these ways.
Accessibility Ramp Becoming a Reality
After more than a year of discussion the construction of the new accessibility ramp is well under way. Thanks to Les Nichols for overseeing this project. I believe this will be very important for the ongoing life of this congregation.
Jail Ministry Organizational Meeting- This Wednesday, March 6 at 5:30pm
We will begin our conversation about what a jail ministry might look like at Nativity with a meeting in the Salt and Light building March 6. Any and all thoughts and ideas are welcomed!
Coffee/ Social “Hour” Following Worship Has Begun
Thanks to the initiative of Katelynn Dillard our fellowship time following the 10:30am Sunday service was launched last Sunday! Plan to stay a few minutes after worship to catch up with friends, learn what’s going on in people’s lives and critique the Vicar’s sermon. It’s a great way to deepen the bonds that unite us.
Holy Week Worship Schedule: March 24-31
Palm Sunday(March 24) 10:30 am-Blessing of Palms, Passion Narrative, Holy
Monday in Holy Week( March 25) 5:30pm-Holy Eucharist ( no music)
Wednesday in Holy Week ( March 27) 7:30am- Holy Eucharist (no music)
Maundy Thursday (March 28) 6:30pm- Holy Eucharist, Liturgy of Foot
Washing(optional), Stripping of Altar
Good Friday (March 29) 12:00 noon- Liturgy of Good Friday and Passion
Easter Day ( March 31) 10:30 am - Holy Eucharist with Alleluias!
See you Sunday!
Blessings and Peace,