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Writer's picture: NativityWV EpiscopalNativityWV Episcopal


Cursillo, an international lay led weekend retreat of spiritual renewal, began in Mississippi in the 1970s and for almost 50 years was the source of much of the spiritual vitality and energy that was a characteristic of the Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi. It was through the leadership of members of the Cursillo movement that many new programs were established in this diocese,  including the Episcopal ministry at Parchman, the medical mission to Honduras and the building of the Conference Center at Gray Center. Local congregations were also energized by those returning from these Cursillo weekends.

I first attended a Cursillo weekend in 1977 and served on staff many times through the years. As Bishop, I supported the movement in as many ways as I could, and I participated in the closing worship of each Cursillo weekend during my tenure.

Alas, during the Covid pandemic, and the subsequent closing of the Conference Center, Cursillo was discontinued in this diocese. However, there is now a diocesan- wide effort to rebuild Cursillo in Mississippi. One of the leaders of this rebuilding effort is our own Margaret-Love Denman. She will be glad to talk to anyone about her experience with Cursillo and what you can expect if you choose to attend.

I will be talking more about Cursillo in the weeks and months ahead, 

 as the official new “launch” of the program is scheduled for next April at Camp Bratton-Green in Gray Center.  Margaret-Love can also tell you about the “trial run” weekend September 26-29 where new staff and participants will work out the kinks of restarting this transformational ministry in Mississippi.

Stay tuned!

Other Matters of Interest-

“Coffee Hour” Begins This Sunday:

Our time of fellowship over coffee and snacks will resume this Sunday in the Salt and Light building immediately following worship. James and Juawice McCormick will be our hosts this week. A sign up sheet is available in the rear of the church for volunteers to set up, clean up or bring snacks over the next several months. Please help us in supporting this special time in our common life!

Bible Study-The Gospel of Luke- Begins September 8 at 9:30:

Meeting in the Salt and Light Building, our Bible Study will focus on the Gospel of Luke. Writing for a predominantly Gentile audience, the author of Luke( a physician, by tradition), shares the healing ministry of Jesus with special emphasis  on the outcasts, especially the poor and women. 

Each lesson will be self-contained and no prior Biblical knowledge is required. All that is necessary is a willing mind and spirit. Bring your Bible and come join us!

First Sunday Offering- “Baby Shower” Gift for Sandra Levya:

Our non-pledged “loose offering” on the first Sunday of each month has been designated for the Vicar’s Discretionary Fund.However, this Sunday, September 1,

the  Vicar has designated the offering to go to the lady who cleans our buildings- Sandra Levya. Rarely seen by members of this congregation, Sandra has faithfully and quietly cleaned our facilities over the past year. She has very recently given birth to a new baby, and this offering will be our “Baby Shower” gift to Sandra.

Be generous!

Baptisms on November 3- All Saints Sunday:

The next traditional date on our Church calendar for baptisms will be All Saints Sunday, November 3. If you, or someone you know, would be interested in being prepared for baptism on that Holy Day, please let the Vicar know.

See you Sunday!

Blessings and Peace,



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