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Writer's picture: NativityWV EpiscopalNativityWV Episcopal


As I was preparing for worship on Sunday, October 13, I saw a man walking up our handicap accessibility ramp who was bleeding profusely. Various people went to work to wash and bandage his wound. I received the following letter this week from Keith Pettway, a professor at Delta State:

“Dear Bishop Gray and the Congregation of Church of the Nativity:

Thank you and the congregation for your kindness helping a stranger bleeding in the gutter in front of your church on Sunday morning. We’ll not exactly, but it sounded more Biblical that way. It was a member of the congregation, Suzie, who saw the whole thing happen. Anyway, it seemed that Jesus was there the whole time directing, and watching over me. I will never forget it. I should nominate Nativity for the “Best Emergency Room in North Mississippi”! I am recovering nicely thanks to the expert care they gave me. It was a beautiful service and so wonderful to get to see Bishop Gray again, and meet all of you.

Nativity is a beautiful church with an even more beautiful congregation!

Thank you for being so kind to my former flute student ( and unofficially adopted child) Katherine Ouzts. She speaks so fondly of Nativity Church and all of you. So sorry we did not make it to your Coffee Hour. I wanted to stay but you know how wives are, and she wanted to get me home as soon as possible. 

Once more, THANK ALL OF YOU for taking such good care of a bleeding stranger found in the gutter in front of your church.

Bless you and Nativity Church.


Keith Pettway

Calvary Church- Cleveland, Mississippi”

There is a sermon being preached here. We’ll done, good and faithful servants!

Other Matters of Importance-

All Saints Sunday-November 3: A Celebration of Our Past and Our Future

   We will be remembering those personal saints-family, friends, teachers, etc.- 

   who have been  instruments of God’s grace in our lives. We will remember some 

   by name in our prayers that Sunday. If you have someone that you would like to 

   be mentioned in prayer, please write their name on the sheet in the rear of the 


   As we give thanks for those saints in our past who have been the bearers of the 

   faith for us, we will also be baptizing two persons into the fullness of Christ’s

   Body- a symbol of the passing on of the faith to new generations. 

   All Saints Sunday will also be the formal Ingathering of financial pledges for 

   Nativity’s 2025 mission and ministry. 

   It will be a wonderful celebration of our past, present and future here at Nativity!

If you'd like to sign up to bring a dish for the after-church Baptismal Luncheon, click here

Coffee Hour- Thank You to All Our Hosts!

   Over the past three months there has been a great response from those willing 

   to host in various ways our Coffee/Social Hour after worship. Thank you so

   much! There is a new sign up sheet in the Salt and Light building for hosts that   

   will carry us through the end of the year. Thanks in advance for your help.

Food Box Packing at Compassion Ministries-

   Thanks to all who showed up last Tuesday to help pack 140+ food boxes for 

   distribution to needy individuals and families. We learned a lot! Our next packing

   date has not been set. Stay tuned!

Personal Note of Thanks-

   Kathy and I are so appreciative of all who took the time to be at the tea that

   celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary. Given by our children and shared with

   family and so many friends, this special event meant more to us than words can

   adequately describe. Thank you so very much!

See you Sunday!

Blessings and Peace,



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© 2020 The Episcopal Church of the Nativity, 609 N Main St, Water Valley, MS 38965 

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