Nativity is blessed to have visitors join us on a regular basis from this local community and beyond. Some return and continue to be nourished by what they find here. From these visitors I often get questions about why we do what we do. I suspect that these questions are similar to what “old timers” have, but they are more hesitant to ask.
Thus, from time to time I like to offer a series that I have begun calling “Episcopal Church 101”. This is a effort to explain a lot of what we do in worship, as well as the culture of our tradition that seems to attract folks, whether they can actually put into words what is the attraction is. Long-time members of the Episcopal Church have also found these classes to be helpful in deepening their understanding of our faith tradition and their worship experience.
I will begin this six week series on Wednesday afternoon January 8 at 5:00pm. This series is open to anyone who would like to learn more about the Episcopal Church. It will also serve as the necessary preparation for anyone wishing to formally affiliate with the Episcopal Church when Bishop Dorothy Wells visits Nativity on Sunday, February 23.
In order to judge interest in this series , I will put a sign up sheet in the rear of the church. Signing the sheet will not commit you to “joining the church”, but will help me in planning and the ordering of materials.
Other Matters of Importance-
Christmas Parade in Water Valley-Friday, December 13@ 6:00pm
This Is Noteworthy(TIN) is hosting a parade watch party with hot dogs and hot chocolate. All are welcome. While you are out on the town, please note the lights on the church, a gift from two Nativity families. In addition, most of the burned out lights on the Salt and Light building have also been replaced (Thanks, Tom Kirkpatrick!).
Christmas Flowers: Memorial Gifts-
If you are interested in helping with the cost of the Nativity Christmas flowers as a gift of thanksgiving, or as a memorial to a loved one, please use the envelopes in the rear of the church for an offering and to list your memorial or thanksgiving request
After 5:30pm Christmas Eve Worship: “Cup of Cheer & Some Goodies”-
Margaret-Love Denman will once again host the Nativity family at her home (212 Wood Street) for a party following the Christmas Eve worship. RSVP: (662)202-5051.
The Rev. Ann Whitaker will be our celebrant and preacher this Sunday.
Blessings and Peace,