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Writer's picture: NativityWV EpiscopalNativityWV Episcopal


This week Les and Jan Nichols and I will be on the Mississippi Gulf Coast to gather with representatives of all the Episcopal churches for our Annual Diocesan Council. This annual affair has been described by an old clergy friend of mine as the Episcopal version of the “ Neshoba County Fair at prayer”. 

There are, indeed, some striking similarities: food and fellowship and reconnecting with old friends in the context of presentations and reports about our common mission and ministry. There will be workshops on a variety of matters and exhibits that will tease our imaginations as we think through our ministry at Nativity. 

We will have the opportunity to elect our clergy and lay leadership for the coming year ( though there will be no election speeches). You will recall that it was at this very gathering a year ago that we elected our new bishop, the Right Rev. Dorothy Sanders Wells. Bishop Wells will be making her first Diocesan Address to the whole church on Friday night, a moment in which she will describe her emerging vision for our Church in Mississippi. It will be a significant moment.

All that we do will be framed in common worship, culminating in a Eucharist on Sunday morning with combined choirs from the Coast churches. But for me, deeper than the particulars of the presentations, addresses and elections, is the outward and visible sign of our being connected to something far beyond ourselves.

Nativity’s banner will be carried in procession in our opening worship on Friday, along with the banners of the 90 other Episcopal churches in Mississippi, reminding us that we are not alone as we seek to be faithful in this challenging moment. Bishop Wells, as an icon of that unity, also serves as a symbol of the wider relationship we have with the Episcopal Church in our own nation and the 14 other nations that are part of what is known as TEC ( The Episcopal Church). Broadening our connectedness, Bishop Wells also allows us to see that we are a part of a world-wide Church called the Anglican Communion, that has much national autonomy, but looks to the Archbishop of Canterbury as our spiritual leader. In this connection we are not simply a very isolated small church in a small community in Mississippi. We are part of a Church of some 80 million members, the third largest denomination in the world!

This a far cry from some cultural and religious traditions in our region that roots its worship and mission and decisions within a single congregation. I try never to say our tradition is better, but I am clear that it is different…and that is why I love going to Council so much!

The Reverend Ann Whitaker will be our preacher at celebrant at the 10:30am worship this Sunday. I’ll see you back on Sunday, February 9.

Other Matters of Importance:

Church Painting in Progress- 

Painters have begun freshening up Nativity with a new coat of white paint, all in time for Bishop Wells’ visitation on February 23! Several have made financial contributions to get this project started. If you would like to contribute to this renovation project,  please make your checks out to “Nativity-Church Painting” and place them in the Sunday offering or mail them to Church of the Nativity; 609 N. Main Street; Water Valley 38965.

Annual Meeting at Nativity- February 16 

We will hold our annual congregational meeting after worship on Sunday, February 16. Plan to join us as we hear reports from the past year, elect new Mission Committee members and formally receive the 2025 financial budget from the Mission Committee. Nominations for new Mission Committee members formally received by the Mission Committee include Barbara Phillips, April Hammonds and Laura Pitre. ( Food note: Because we will be going all out the next week with Bishop Wells, there will be coffee, but not much else, during our coffee hour).

Bishop Wells to Visit Nativity February 22-23!

As we welcome our new bishop to Nativity, the old and newly elected members of

the  Mission Committee will meet with her for a working/ planning/get acquainted dinner on Saturday night at 6:00 at the Salt and Light building. At 9:15 on Sunday Bishop Wells will meet for informal conversation with members of the congregation. At our 10:30 Sunday worship she will be administering the apostolic act of confirmation as well as praying over any who wish to reaffirm their baptismal vows. After worship ( and this is where we want to do something special) there will be a luncheon in her honor in the Salt and Light building. A signup sheet is in the S and L hallway for volunteers willing to bring salads, side dishes or desserts. Meet and beverages will be provided.

Second Annual Mardi Gras Parade- March 4, beginning at 5:00pm:

In preparation for the penitential season of Lent ( Ash Wednesday - March 5) we will , again, start at Nativity with our Alleluia Banner, costumes, beads and noise makers. We’ll march to the This Is Noteworthy building where food, beverage and music will be waiting! Come join the fun. A little silliness in a world gone crazy might do us some good! Note: lots of beads and some masks will be available for free.

Blessings and Peace,



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© 2020 The Episcopal Church of the Nativity, 609 N Main St, Water Valley, MS 38965 

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