Hello, folks. We hope this week has been kind to you so far. Either way, we hope you are all being kind to yourselves. Let’s jump into the news.
All Saints Day will be next Sunday. During this weekend’s outside Eucharist service, we plan on having a moment to recognize our dearly departed friends and family members who have passed this year.We humbly ask that you email us the names of your departed loved ones, so that they can be read aloud during the service. It will be a good opportunity to honor those of whom we wish peace and rest in the hereafter.
We are sad to say that our 90-day permit for the beautiful ‘Hand Wreath’ art on the front lawn of Nativity has run out. So we are looking for volunteers and onlookers to help us remove the installation in order to transport it to its new home.This event will take place immediately following this Sunday’s 10:30 a.m. outdoor Eucharist service. For this particular Sunday, you are officially excused from wearing your finest church attire in exchange for some raggedy work clothes. We will not judge.
We are about halfway through Psalms on our path to Bible Slam victory. We welcome all to join us on this mission to read that big, red Bible by the end of 2054. The church is open for all people of every shape, size and color from morning ‘til dark. Come on in and read a spell.
Thus concludes our newsletter for this week. We hope you meet the rest of this week’s challenges with equal amounts of strength and vulnerability. God’s grace be with you all.