24 And God said, ‘Let the earth bring forth living creatures of every kind: cattle and creeping things and wild animals of the earth of every kind.’ And it was so. 25God made the wild animals of the earth of every kind, and the cattle of every kind, and everything that creeps upon the ground of every kind. And God saw that it was good.
From Genesis 1
Dear Nativity Family,
Saturday is quickly approaching! And we shall gather at the Pocket Park across from the BTC for a traditional Blessing of the Animals on Saturday, October 9. As we continue to celebrate what is known as Francistide, the days following the Feast of St. Francis, our animals, both our pets and farm animals, seem to take on new meaning as we care for God's creation. What joy it will be to gather with folks from Water Valley for this special event. If your child is pet allergic, stuffed animals are acceptable. Also, if you have bowls or buckets to share, please bring them so the animals have access to water. It's supposed to be quite warm!
We are moving through the days following Pentecost at almost warp speed; the day light hours grow shorter and the days seem to fly by, too. We will be moving toward All Saints Day (November 1) and Thanksgiving before we know it. And Advent is on the horizon. Advent is a season of expectation as we prepare for the gift of the Incarnation. As you reflect on the season of Advent, what is it that you most need this year? What memories do you hold from Advents past? Please share these with me as the planning for our life together continues for this important season. Details of Advent will be shared in a future newsletter.
This Sunday, October 10, we will resume communion of both kinds; bread and wine. The wine will be served by intinction. Covid protocols will remain in place until further notice (masks, hand sanitizer, etc.)
We are a part of God's great creation! As we move through the seasons, let us not forget that we are to care for creation: animals, plants, this fragile earth, our island home, and most importantly, one another. Please add a staple item to our Blessing Box; this is a sign of our caring.
Blessings on your week. All creatures, great and small, will be welcome this Saturday. See you in the Pocket Park.
Ann +