I write this brief Newsletter to you today with deep distraction from the invasion of Ukraine. I bid you to keep the people of this region in your prayers. It is a difficult time for the world.
Lent is upon us! This Sunday is the Last Sunday after the Epiphany when we hear of Jesus’ transfiguration from the Gospel of Luke. It is an important image and story to carry with us during the days of Lent, and especially as we wrestle with many issues.
A service of the Imposition of Ashes and Holy Eucharist will be offered at the Church of the Nativity on Wednesday, March 6 beginning at 6:30 p.m. This service will be a time of stillness, too, as we come together to pray for the world at large.
A few Lenten books and pamphlets may be found on the back table beginning this Sunday. The pamphlets are yours to keep. If you would like to borrow a book, simply write the title and your name on the paper provided. I ask you to return the books after Easter.
If you would like the download of Vincent Van Gogh and the Beauty of Lent, please send an email to nativitywatervalley@gmail.com This Lenten resource will be provided to you free of charge (for Nativity folks, only). Lent is often a time of introspection, focusing on our sin, and making amendments in life. But it is also a time to reflect on the beauty that surrounds us in the lengthening of these days. The daylight grows longer, the Earth reawakens from its winter sleep and soon our gardens will behold untold beauty. Perhaps this is the year to focus on the Beauty of Lent. Only those who email the above address will receive the link for this important Lenten resource.
Thanks to all who attended our Annual Parish Meeting last Sunday. We welcome Jenni Campbell to our Mission Committee. I have asked Kathryn York to prepare a Financial Statement that we may soon share with all of you. Please share your hopes, dreams and vision for Nativity with your Mission Committee. Your input is important.
Lastly, keep the faith! Pray for one another, keep in touch with one another and dig deeper into your own spiritual journey. The days may seem frustrating and dark, but we carry within us and between us the Light of Christ.
Ann +, Vicar