Easter! Good morning Nativity worshipers! Reminder for Easter: Ann Whitaker will be leading us in an in-person Easter Service to take place at Alexe van Beuren and Kagan Coughlin's house at 10:30am on Sunday, April 4th. Please bring a chair, wear a mask, and we will have plenty of room to spread out and celebrate the Resurrection together. Roger Patterson has made us a cross! Please bring flowers from your yard to adorn it if you have any! 509 Wagner Street, old wagon wheels at the end of the driveway. (Parking: along the street, in the field across from the driveway, up the driveway and next to the Airstream, or all the way up to the house, as your heart and mobility allows.) Non-GPS directions at the end of this email. For additional resources, St. Peter’s homilies and meditations here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwz_VUMsdUwcbeG5U60m9pw St. Andrew’s Cathedral Sunday morning service here: https://linktr.ee/stajxn St. Philip’s Jackson Facebook live services here: https://m.facebook.com/stphilipsjackson/ National Cathedral’s 10 a.m. Sunday service here: https://cathedral.org/worship/ Prayers of the People: For our church as we seek a new Vicar. For those who are sick and others for whom prayers are requested: Jessica, Alexander, Tom W., Sue, Wyatt, Beryl, David, Eva, Paul, Emma, Scotty, Dan, Ed, William, Bill, Sean, Pat, Sam, and Susanne. For the Village of San Joaquin, Honduras For those who have died: Matt, Evangeline, and Lincoln. If anyone would like to submit a prayer request, we have a prayer request form here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12BocVpV5jG2aGRkUSQWKMkmmNIn-knb9OGfZnYbEjHk/edit We ask that you please include the first letter of their last name as well. Thanks! -Church of the Nativity
NON-GPS directions: go to our church on Main Street, and head South on Main Street towards the BTC. At the corner of the BTC, take a right on Wagner Street. Stay straight for about 1/2 a mile, up and over a steep hill. After cresting the hill, our driveway is the third on the left, with the aforementioned rusty wagon wheel at the end of it with two battered mail boxes on top.