Dear Nativity Family,
We are quickly approaching All Hallow’s Eve and All Saints’ Day. This week, we will gather at the home of Joe and Kathryn for outdoor worship, a shared meal and a little “dressing up!” The Yorks will be serving Barbeque and Vegetarian Chili; you are asked to bring dishes to compliment the meal. Covid protocols will be followed. Please bring a lawn chair for worship. Let us delight in the good weather that is predicted and the joy of being together! Invite a guest to join us! Service time is at 10:30 a.m. and their house is located at 315 Panola Street.
At its meeting last evening, the Mission Committee voted for continued mask-wearing for indoor services as we continue to monitor Covid-19 in Mississippi. Please be respectful as we move forward.
This year our stewardship efforts will begin on November 7. Our theme for this year is
Gratitude--Generosity--Gift. November is a month filled with thanksgivings (and Thanksgiving). A pledge card will be mailed to you and you are asked to bring it back on Sunday, November 28. Watch for additional details in upcoming newsletters.
Advent will begin on Sunday, November 28. A book study is being planned for Advent using Rowan Williams’ book Ponder these things: praying with Icons of the Virgin. The study will be offered on Wednesday evenings via Zoom. Please let me know if you are interested. More details about our common life during Advent will be forthcoming!
See you this Sunday! I’m looking forward to doing a lot of laughing, because laughter is such good medicine.
Ann +