Hello Nativity fans. We hope everyone had a good weekend and are staying sane! We don’t have much in the way of news this week, but we do have an announcement from Fr. Kirk and it goes as follows:
Can’t decide on that next book to read? How about a little theology with "The Man in Black”? Join Fr. Kirk for a book study on Trains, Jesus, and Murder: The Gospel According to Johnny Cash. Meeting time via Zoom TBD based on preference of the group. If interested, email Kirk at kirk@stpetersoxford.org.
So if any of you all are Johnny Cash fans, this may be the book study you’ve been looking for! Be sure to contact Fr. Kirk if this is right up your alley.
Fr. Kirk will be holding another Pub Theology session thisWednesday @ 6 p.m.This week’s topic will beFaith, Morality and Ethics. So bring your thinking caps and your favorite form of liquid and join in! We enjoyed last week’s topic about the younger generation’s take on religion. If anything, it challenged the PT group on how views on Christian religion have changed and how we can react to it. It’s good to know what’s relevant; otherwise, you get caught off guard!
That’s it for now, but please feel free to let us know if there’s something newsworthy to mention in the next newsletter. We hope all
of you are safe and healthy: in mind, body and soul! Christ’s peace!