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Newsletter in Transition

Writer's picture: NativityWV EpiscopalNativityWV Episcopal

Dear Friends at Nativity,

On the suggestion of the Mission Committee we are in the midst of transitioning to a new format for the Newsletter. In what is being proposed, the full-blown newsletter with reflections from me, articles about activities at Nativity written by others, a perspective from the Senior Warden, a long view of the calendar and a host of other suggestions will be incorporated into this monthly publication. This new format would also be included on our web page and Facebook.

The Mission Committee and I agreed that I would still send out periodical “epistles” on subjects that I felt needed to be shared with the Nativity community. This is one such time.

Because of my clumsiness in being clear about certain important dates and times, I wanted to send out, in as clear a form as I could, those times and dates for your calendar over the next couple of months. Thus:

December 18, 10:30am

Advent Lessons and Carols with Holy Eucharist, followed by the “greening of the church”. 10:15 Christmas medley of music precedes the service.

December 24 (Christmas Eve), 5:30pm

Holy Eucharist with special music

January 1 (First Sunday of Christmas), 10:30am

Holy Eucharist

January 5 (Twelfth Night-Feast of the Epiphany), 5:30pm

Holy Eucharist-Coming of the Wise Men

Commissioning of the Altar Guild

February 5, 10:30am

Holy Eucharist, followed by our canonically required Annual Meeting. Two new Mission Committee members will be elected.

February 11, Church-wide Party for Bishop Seage. Time: TBA

A social event at Fountain Square, hosted by Tommy and Liz Reynolds, to welcome Bishop Seage and, as he prepares to transition to another ministry, to thank him for re-starting the Church of the Nativity in 2017.

Historical trivia question: Who was responsible for formally closing Nativity in 2003?

Secondly, in anticipation of this becoming a regular feature in a revised newsletter, and in hopes this report will keep us all better informed, I have listed below the more important matters discussed and decisions made at the recent Mission Committee meeting. These will always be brief, so feel free to ask follow-up questions with me or any member of the Mission Committee( James McCormick -Senior Warden, Jenni Campbell-Junior Warden, Kathryn York-Treasurer, Alexe van Beuren-Secretary, and Joe York.)

Mission Committee Highlights- December 13

-Adopted the 2023 budget with anticipated pledged income of $55,994.

-Celebrated the upgrades to the Sacristy.

-At the Vicar’s request, had an extended discussion about the direction of Nativity, what has been accomplished and what needs working on in the coming year.

-Heard Vicar say that he plans his tenure to be longer than a single year.

-Committed to year-end evaluation of Vicar and mission leadership.

-Discussed short-and long-term construction plans for church. Very creative conversation about alternatives to construction.

-Set Annual Meeting of congregation for February 5, 2023.

-Made the decision to elect at the Annual Meeting 2 new Mission Committee members for a three-year term and begin a regular rotation schedule. Kathryn York will rotate off the MC after the Annual Meeting, leaving the full MC membership at 6 persons.

-Upon the recommendation of the Vicar approved a grant of $500 from the Outreach budget to be sent to the Community Health and Education in Rural Africa (CHERA).

See you Sunday!



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