It’s been a wonderfully fast learning curve for me over the past 10 days as I learn about you and the way you do things together here at Nativity. There is still lots to learn and you have my permission to help me in that learning process! Feel free to offer your comments and suggestions at any time.
I want to use this space each week to do a variety of things. Some weeks I’ll talk about things that are happening at the church. Other times I may offer an observation about what is going on with me and us in this crazy and wonderful world we live in. From time to time you will find a brief meditation on a passage from the following Sunday’s scripture that I may, or may not, be preaching on.
I trust it will be worth your time.
This week I have had long and productive meetings with Ann Whitaker and James McCormick that have given me much needed historical and programmatic perspectives. Coming out of those meetings several decisions were made:
I will be at Nativity each Sunday through July. Beginning in August I will be at Nativity the first three Sundays of each month, and Ann will officiate and preach on 4th Sundays. On 5th Sundays Morning Prayer will be led by a lay reader. With a few exceptions, Wednesdays will be the day that I will be in Water Valley for visiting, lunch, planning or counseling. If you’d like to schedule an appointment, my contact info is 601-260-1037, or I will be working out a way to accommodate a way for folks just to drop by.
Ann and I will be working closely together in several ways. She has pastoral relationships that I have asked her to continue to nurture as needed. She and I will be meeting on a monthly basis to make sure pastoral needs of the congregation are being addressed. In addition, she and I have begun to brainstorm ways in which we can offer something for children on Sunday morning. Hint: Jeremiah was not just an Old Testament prophet, and “JOY to the World” is not merely a song by Three Dog Night. Stay tuned!
Finally, the Mission Committee will be meeting on a regular basis—the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Your hopes, dreams and suggestions will be welcome.
Hope the summer is going well for you. See you Sunday!