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I will be making a trip to Rolling Fork on June 29 to deliver supplies and, hopefully, check on a few folks. Below is some information on the latest needs and contact information from the Diocese of Mississippi’s Disaster Coordinator, the Rev. Deacon Cathy Halford. If you would like to contribute to my bundle of supplies, please bring items to the church. Even better, you can put them in the back room of the Salt and Light building which I have begun using as an office. From Deacon Halford:“ Until the temporary housing is brought to Rolling Fork and the surrounding area, the distribution center at the high school in Rolling Fork will be open Monday-Saturday, 9:00am to 5:00pm. Rebecca Hay, a long time Rolling Fork resident, (662)907-3636) is now currently managing to center. They are still in dire need of volunteers for the distribution center. If you know of anyone interesting in volunteering, please put them in touch with Rebecca. She would greatly appreciate 2-3 volunteers per day. FYI- I have talked with her. She said if there are 1-3 people, come on; if there is a larger group, please call her.These are the current needs of the distribution center:MopsBroomsSponges13 gallon trash bagsSolo cupsZiplock bagsCharcoalLighter fluid12 oz. GatoradeExtra small bottles of the following( will serve more residents than larger jugs):Fabulosa Spic&SpanPine SolLaundry detergent BleachDish washing liquidWindex Any type of cleaning suppliesRebecca is also working on this great project she calls WELCOME HOME. If possible, she would love for people to donate the following NEW items to this project:





Toys- such as basketballs, bats, baseballs, soccer balls, baby dolls, stuffed animals, etc.

If you would like for United Way to purchase any of these items on your behalf, please send us your donation and earmark it the WELCOME HOME project. The address is: United Way of West Central Mississippi; 920 South Street; Vicksburg, Mississippi 39180.”

Other Items of Interest

Vicar at Virginia Theological Seminary this Week-Guest Preacher June 18

From Sunday thru Saturday of this week I will be at a training session at Virginia Seminary related to my consulting work in the Diocese of South Carolina. Ann Whitaker will be the celebrant and preacher this Sunday.

I will be back on June 18 when our guest preacher will be the Rev. Giulianna Cappelletti Gray from Sewanee. Giulianna is a native of West Virginia, served as Chaplain to students and faculty at Tulane and Loyola in New Orleans and has worked in various capacities at Sewanee. She was recently appointed by the Presiding Bishop as Chaplain to the spouses of the bishops of the Episcopal Church. She also happens to be Kathy’s and my daughter-in-law, wife of son Peter and mother of two wonderful grandchildren-Joseph and Francesca! Giulianna and her entire family will be with her at Nativity on June 18.

Rocking Chairs for the Salt and Light Front Porch

Inspired by the suggestion of Becky Kelly on Sunday, James McCormick is heading up an effort to furnish rocking chairs for the front porch of the Salt and Light Building. If you would like to “sponsor” a rocking chair to honor someone (with an appropriate brass marker attached to the chair) please talk to James.

Structuring the Salt and Light Ministry

Now that we have full access to the Salt and Light building, there is a need for developing some structure in our use of the facility. It seems that there are several sub-groups/ committees that need to be organized to give us the organization and structure that we need: designing the use of the space and decorating the space; thinking through the logistics of the use of the space, particularly with outside groups; outreach to the community; social in-reach to Nativity community, i.e. coffee hour and receptions.

Several of these may be combined, but if you are willing to help in any of these areas, please let me know!

“Sacred Ground” Information (continued)

Below is an article that describes the often painful, but terribly important, exploration of our too often forgotten history. It is from this decades-old newspaper column that the course I will be facilitating this fall gets its name-“Sacred Ground”.

Blessings and Peace!

I’ll see you Sunday, the 18th.



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