A couple of announcements: Convocation Altar Guild Workshop -Saturday afternoon, August 13. Hosted by St. Peter’s, Oxford, this workshop will bring together folks from churches in this region who are doing Altar Guild work, or interested in knowing more about this special ministry. Keynoter is Ms. Katherine Webb who will be demonstrating easy flower arrangements for church and home. Flyers are in the rear of the church. Interested? Contact Debby Patterson ( 662-473-8027) or Kathy Gray (601-260-6088). Beginning this month there is a need for volunteers to oversee the supplying of the Blessing Box. A sign up sheet is in the rear of the church. Lastly, a thought or two about the scripture readings for this week: Isaiah 1:1, 10-20 In the first vision Isaiah receives from God, God conveys that worship, alone, is not an adequate response to God’s gift of freedom. Rather, caring for the most vulnerable seems to be God’s highest priority: “…seek justice, rescue the oppressed, defend the orphan, plead for the widow.” Do these priorities of God make us uncomfortable? Psalm 50:1-8, 23-24 A similar theme from the Isaiah passage. Worship honors God, but “those who keep in my way” will know salvation. Seems like God is serious about this love your (vulnerable) neighbor message. Hebrews 11: 1-3, 23-24 “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Sometimes being faithful means refusing to despair, despite overwhelming evidence that I should. Luke 12:32-40 “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Far too often I am convinced that the reverse is the deeper truth, but Jesus is forever standing my common sense approach to life on its head. If I put my money where my mouth ( if not my heart) is, where I have invested my treasure becomes more important and my heart will follow. See you at the Watermelon Carnival! Oh, yes, we’ll be there on Sunday, as well! Peace, Duncan
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