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Writer's picture: NativityWV EpiscopalNativityWV Episcopal


A few thoughts while pulling weeds…

As some of you know, I am the head of a team that cultivates a rather sizable portion of the Community Garden in Oxford and passes on our weekly harvest to the Food Pantry. This morning a few thoughts came to mind as I was trying to stay ahead of our dominant crop-weeds! First, there are things that I have to do in the garden daily. They need to be done whether I feel like doing them or not. The garden is not concerned about my feelings, but requires and thrives under daily cultivation.

Something similar is true about my spiritual life. If it is to thrive, my soul requires a regular discipline of prayer, study, reflection and corporate worship . Sometimes I don’t FEEL like engaging any or all of these, and I can make good, reasonable excuses for my omissions. These excuses can satisfy me for a while, but left unattended, my soul withers and weeds begin to choke the life out of me.

Later this morning I spent a great deal of time pulling honeysuckle and other invasive vines out of some shrubs in our backyard. They were virtually invisible from a distance, but when I got closer I noticed their straggle hold on the many of the shrubs. Considerable effort was required to untangle the vines and free up the branches.

I began to thing about the invasive thoughts, attitudes and behaviors that I have grown accustomed to over the years-the ones that I engage in so often that, at least to me, have acquired a kind of normalcy within my life. To me they have become invisible. These, like the honeysuckle, can so easily take over my life without my being aware. These habits require serious chopping and pulling out by the roots. I am very rarely eager to do that, but a loving relationship with others ( and my Lord) requires such action. The church has historically called this action “confession”. It is the honest examination of my life, without self-justifying excuses, with the courage to accept what I see and offer it to God. Sometimes it will also require my own overture to another, because I need to say, “I’m sorry.”

There was a lot going on this morning for me! I thought about how often Jesus used agricultural imagery-mustard seeds, vines, sowers of seeds and laborers in the vineyard- and I managed a quiet and prayerful, “Thank you.”

Other Matters of Interest

The Reverend Christopher Powell -September 10

Christopher Powell, who substituted for Ann Whitaker in July, will return to Nativity, Sunday, September 10 as celebrant and preacher at the 10:30 worship. Christopher thoroughly enjoyed his first visit to Nativity and is very much looking forward to returning.

Update on Church Directory

After months of work by Jenni Campbell and the Rev. Deacon Tina Frizzell, we are

in the final stages of completing our first(?) church directory. We are allowing ourselves a few weeks to make additions or corrections. A proof of the directory will be on the table in the rear of the church for your input. We are particularly interested in your birthday and anniversary dates so that we can include such moments in prayers on Sundays. Please help us with this wonderful pastoral resource.

Altar Flowers Needed- September and October

Want to remember someone special to you-birthday, anniversary, death-with flowers on the altar and prayers? There is a sign up sheet in the back of the church if you would like to make that special offering of flowers. Sometimes we are just so incredibly grateful for, or thankful to, something or someone, and a gift of flowers for the altar is a wonderful way to respond by honoring that person.

Coming Events-Mark You Calendars!

Mission Committee Meeting-September 5 @6:00pm ( note date change)

Bible Study-The Gospel of John-Begins Sunday, September 24 @ 9:15 am

Feast of St. Francis-Blessing of the Animals- Pocket Park on South Main @

10:00 am

See you Sunday!

Blessings and Peace,



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