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Writer's picture: NativityWV EpiscopalNativityWV Episcopal


As you undoubtedly know by now, the Diocese of Mississippi made history last weekend by electing the Reverend Dr. Dorothy Sanderson Wells as the 11th Bishop of Mississippi on the fourth ballot. Bishop-elect Wells was the first woman and the first African-American to be elected bishop in Mississippi. She was also the first non-Mississippian elected in Mississippi since 1888, though she has spent her entire professional career, first as a lawyer for Federal Express and then as a priest, very close by in Memphis and Germantown, Tennessee.

It was a wonderful and exciting moment for those of us gathered for the election! I know that Les and Jan Nichols would also be glad to share their experiences of the weekend with you. I  very much look forward to  getting to know our new bishop( I spoke with her on Wednesday, assuring her of our support),  working with her within the diocese and bringing her as soon as possible to Nativity!

 New beginnings always bring new hope, and so many people appear so very hopeful! Count me in that number. It is an exciting time to be an Episcopalian in Mississippi!

Other Matters of Interest

Annual Congregation Meeting with Luncheon- Sunday!

This Sunday, February 11, we will gather for our annual meeting as a congregation immediately following the 10:30 worship service. We will elect two new Mission Committee members ( and say  “Thank You” to James McCormick and Alexe van Beuren for their faithful service over several years), hear brief reports from the wardens, treasurer and the Salt and Light Committee and have the opportunity for conversation about any sort of matter pertaining to the life of Nativity. 

Immediately following the meeting we will adjourn to the Salt and Light building for lunch. Boston Butts will be cooked by Joe York and Juawice McCormick will provide King Cakes for dessert. Drinks will be provided. The rest of us will be responsible for bringing everything else in between. If you haven’t yet signed up for a dish, bring something of your own choosing. By the way, there is now a refrigerator in the kitchen for our community use.(Thank you, Joe York!) 

This will be the first large scale use of the new building, so plan to join us for this inaugural event!

Mardi Gras Parade and Celebration-Tuesday, February 13

4:15-5:00pm   Gather at the Church

5:15pm   Begin parade with police escort down Main 

      Street and led by a brass band from Water Valley 

      High School. 

5:30-5:40pm   Arrive at TIN(106 South Main) for gumbo, red beans and rice, jazz band, “Lenten” art projects and lots of fun!

Some beads, masks and a few costume elements will be available, but feel free to bring your own. Special Mardi Gras awards will be given to the best decorated non-motorized vehicle (scooters, bicycles, strollers, etc.).

Saturday, February 10 from 10:00 am to 2:00pm there will be an opportunity to make your own costumes at TIN. Open to the entire community and all ages!

This is meant as a community-wide celebration  that we hope will become an annual event in Water Valley, so invite your friends and neighbors to the parade or as spectators on Main Street. I think it’s going to be a lot of fun!

Ash Wednesday Worship- February 14 @ 5:30pm

After all the craziness of Fat Tuesday( Mardi Gras) we will enter the penitential season of Lent on Ash Wednesday with a service of Holy Eucharist with the Imposition of Ashes at 5:30pm at the church.

See you Sunday!

Blessings and Peace,



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© 2020 The Episcopal Church of the Nativity, 609 N Main St, Water Valley, MS 38965 

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