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Writer's picture: NativityWV EpiscopalNativityWV Episcopal


I’ve been reading a recently published little book with the provocative title, “Why Church?-Christianity as It Was Meant to Be”. It begins with a brief, but insightful, description of what the author, Scott Cordell, describes as three transformational periods in the history of Christianity: Early Christian Expansion, Christendom(the merger of church and culture that lasted until the Enlightenment) and the current dramatic church growth in what is known as the Global South.

Cordell says that none of these models are particularly useful to the post-modern culture that we in the West find ourselves in. What he sees as key to the spiritual growth of individuals, the numerical growth of Christianity and the transformation of culture in our day,  is the Holy Eucharist. He then precedes in most of the remaining chapters to tell why he believes this is true.

That got me to thinking about how we do things at Nativity. Certainly our common life is centered in the Eucharist, but recently, several have asked me specific questions about why we say or do certain things during the Eucharist. I last did a teaching/reflection on the Eucharist during worship more than two years ago. It’s probably time to do this again.

A second thought then merged into the first. As central as it is to our common life, the Eucharist-to a new visitor- may be incredibly intimidating. Is there a way that we can make it less so? I would like to try something that will meet both of these needs.

Thus, I am going to call Sunday, November 10, “Friend Sunday”. This will be a time when I would like for us to make a special effort to invite a friend or neighbor to join us for worship. I will talk about the things we do in worship and why, both to instruct our own and to make it more accessible to visitors. 

Be thinking about who you might invite to church that day. I’ve given you two months advanced warning because it usually takes it takes a long time for us Episcopalians to summon up the courage to do something that even remotely resembles evangelism!

Other Matters of Interest:

Special Guest this Sunday-

The Reverend Andy Andrews, the Missioner for Beloved Community in the Diocese of Mississippi,  will be with us all morning long this Sunday, September 22.

9:30am-Andy will meet with us in the Salt and Light Building to listen to what we 

           have been doing in the area of racial healing and justice and to share with 

           us new ideas and insights from around the diocese.

10:30am- Andy will be our preacher at the Holy Eucharist.

11:30am- Andy will stay for our Coffee Hour for informal conversation.

Throughout my publicity about his coming, “Andy” is the title I have used. “Father Andrews”  or “Canon Andrews” just doesn’t seem to fit this very warm, good humored and grace-filled man. Come join us and welcome Andy to Nativity. You’ll be glad you made the effort!

October 5-Blessing of Animals in  Pocket Park @10:00am-

Our annual Blessing of the Animals in commemoration  of the Feast of St. Francis (October 4)will be held at Pocket Park on Saturday morning, October 5 . All live critters are welcome as we remind ourselves of the divine unity of all creation. For the safety of the Vicar( and others) animals should be on a lease, or otherwise restrained. Some human snacks and water( for animals) will be provided.

3rd Quarter Pledge Statements Being Sent in October-

At the request of the Mission Committee Robbie Fisher, Nativity’s Treasurer, will be sending out pledge statements shortly to give us all an update and reminder of where we stand with our pledge payments to date. This is the norm for most churches, but a relatively recent practice at Nativity.

See you Sunday!

Blessings and Peace,



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