Hello everyone. We hope y’all are doing well out there and looking forward to this weekend. Our outdoor service is going to be thisSunday @ 10:30 a.m.in the pavilion across from the BTC Grocery. The Eucharist will be celebrated as well! This will be a first since the shutdown. We would love for you all to be a part of it. And for those who still prefer to stay at home, Fr. Kirk will still be doing theSunday Morning Prayer @ 9 a.m. on Zoom. Thank you for doing double duty Kirk!
Bible Slam is officially underway. We hope some of you are looking forward to getting back into the Bible reading spirit. The doors are open from 8:30 a.m. to sundown. It looks like we’ve gotten through Ezra and are now moving on to Nehemiah. So get in while the gettin’s good!
We’re thankful to have these announcements for you. It’s always nice to feel like there’s some momentum developing for Nativity. God willing, we just might be able to keep it up! May the Lord bless you and keep you this week.